Friday, October 17, 2008

I return. I think?

I do not feel compelled at this time to write anything here.  Why?  No one reads it... Yet.  When I start to see people reading and\or commenting on my Blog, then I will be more inclined to update it.  Although I must say as I get closer to finishing the manuscript I will probably be compelled (read: forced) to update this thing every few _hours_ by my co-author.  Till then, I suppose I will _attempt_ to stay up to date, but seeing as I and my co-author are the only ones to see this at the moment, what is the point?  She already knows what is going threw my head.

Here is currently what is going threw my head:
Will this thing ever get done?  It's been to long to write the first Novel, how the hell are we going to do six more?

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