moar funny pictures
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fear the CURSE!
Fear the curse of the Dark Knight! And people who believe something like a movie and kill people! Are we going to be blamed when the world ends? I guess only if Fiend's kill everyone.
Numerous media outlets are citing Morgan Freeman’s car accident as just the latest result of the Dark Knight Curse, which also claimed the life of Heath Ledger earlier this year, killed a stuntman during production, and caused Christian Bale to assault his mother.
While I won’t for a second argue that these four events were anything but the magical result of a movie being made, I haven’t read one single article detailing the far more disturbing Citizen KaneCurse, an even more ominous cloud of supernatural negativity brought into existence by the 1941 cinema classic.
Consider the following events:
– Kane director and star Orson Welles died of a myocardial infarction at his home in Hollywood on October 10, 1985 at the age of 70.
– Joseph Cotton, who played Kane’s friend Leland, contracted throat cancer and died of complications on February 6, 1994 at the age of 88.
– Everett Sloane, who played Kane’s associate Bernstein, committed suicide in 1965 at age 55 after contracting glaucoma.
– William Allend, who played the reporter, died from heart disease in 1997 at the age of 81. More like CURSE disease.
– Ruth Warrick, who played Kane’s first wife, died of complications related to pneumonia in 2005 at age 88. (CUUUURRSEE!!!)
– Actor Yul Brynner died on the EXACT SAME DAY as Orson Welles. I’m sure he saw Citizen Kane at some point.
– Citizen Kane was released on May 1st, 1941; Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, less than TWO MONTHS later. Then World War II happened, which was awful.
– The theme of the film — youthful idealism corrupted by wealth and ego — remains TO THIS DAY a crippling moral force in society.
There you have it. EVERY SINGLE CAST MEMBER from the 67-year-old film is now deceased. But I’m sure it was aaaaaalllll a bunch of coincidences.
Dark Knight Curse. Psh.