Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I think I am allowed to say that, I don't have any allegiance... yet.  But anyway, I was today and one of my favorite friends came back for a visit and her name is Delirium based on The Sandman's Character.  So I added my two cents to the mix with this little blurb\rant:

My muse is of the utmost majesty. I listen only to Despair, for her wonderful hook finds its way into my side everyday. Its sting is like a blanket, a shawl of twisted love.
Or is it perhaps Desire that I follow? For if there were not desire to suffer, I would have no muse, but then, as it is said, all things come from Dream, for to want is to dream, so then I must conclude that my muse is only but The Lord Shaper, Himself:


In order of Comic's I am addicted too:
1) 2) 3) and 4) Nausicaä Of The Valley Of The Wind
5) Transmetropolitan 
6) The Sandman and anything that involves The Sandman world.

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