Monday, September 15, 2008

LOL, science is AWESOME!

So I am siting at home, watching TV, when this program called NextWorld.  It is one of those "here are all the things that we think will change the world, but they really won't for hundreds of years, if ever," shows.  Still pretty interesting though.  Anyway, one of the individuals they are interviewing stated, and I quote, "Imagine taking a pill every day, maybe not even that often, to prevent the diseases of age."

He was talking about the "Kill Switch" idea, stating that our genes actually tell us when to start to die.  Anyway, if you want to know more, just watch the show, but I just find it funny, whether he was joking or not, that there are, in fact, people that believe aging IS a disease.  So all you super models, FEAR NOT! The cure for your face is on the way!

PS, according to these scientists, Red Wine will make you live longer, so... DRINK MORE!

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